reCAPTCHA Integration

What is reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a tool designed to protect websites from spam and abuse. It helps ensure that only real people—not automated bots—can submit forms or access certain parts of a website. You’ve likely seen it before, asking you to check a box saying, “I’m not a robot” or solve simple puzzles, like identifying images. By using reCAPTCHA, we add an extra layer of security to keep your forms safe and free from unwanted or harmful activity.

Create & Deploy reCAPTCHA

1. Note that the following steps are done outsize of Zapl. Signup up and create a reCAPTCHA api key for your domain.

2. Follow the instructions for integrating reCAPTCHA into your form.

3. Copy your secret key for later use with Zapl.

Integrate reCAPTCHA

1. In the form list, click the edit button on the right side. You should see the following:

form edit page

2. Check the enforced box and paste the reCAPTCHA secret key.

Once you have deployed and integrated reCAPTCHA you should see the following badge:

analytics page

Submissions that failed reCAPTCHA analysis are rejected and do not make it into your inbox.

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